Pedagogical Ideas

Polish version

It is our fervent desire that all teachers, students, parents, and prospective students of our schools are well-versed in the foundational principles that underpin our educational activities and curricula. These principles were meticulously crafted during the inaugural year of the I Społeczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące, named after Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijay Sinhji. Today, we proudly affirm that our intentions remain steadfastly aligned with the visionary ideals set forth by our founders.

1. Our schools are not oriented towards fierce competition between students and achieving spectacular success. We do not fight at all costs for places in the rankings. In addition to very talented students, we also accept those who require extra help and care – the sick, the disabled, and those struggling with psychological problems. We also provide opportunities for free education for children of political refugees. While this may lower grade point averages, add work for teachers, and incur additional costs, we consider their presence in school an important value for us. With full awareness, we have decided to make our schools a good place for those who have received a lot from fate and those who need educational, educational, or material help.

2. The basic educational idea of our schools is respect for the dignity of every human being and respect for human rights. We are concerned with creating conditions for the active participation of students in the activities of non-governmental organizations that provide help, support, and defense to all those in need, regardless of their nationality and beliefs. We believe that the expression of respect for human rights is the attitude toward national, racial, and religious minorities.

3. We wish to shape in our students an attitude of kindness, tolerance, and sensitivity toward others. We want to prepare them for social service rather than a ruthless struggle for personal success. We encourage students to participate in charitable and volunteer actions and take concrete actions for the elderly and disabled, political refugees, children from orphanages, and those living in economically and socially neglected areas. We want to instill in students the belief that whoever received a lot at the start has a duty to think of those who were less fortunate than him.

4. An important idea centered on our schools’ educational programs is preparing students for life in a democratic society. The school democratic system is supposed to teach effective cooperation for the common good, responsibility, and the difficult art of compromise. It is also supposed to show through experience that democracy is the ability to obey jointly established laws, not anarchy.

5. The school’s educational system is oriented to the formation of students with the ability to act independently, think independently, and take responsibility for their own development. Students are treated as partners by teachers. The school leaves them a lot of freedom, but at the same time, it makes serious demands. It expects them to use the opportunities created for them to develop their interests and talents.

Acceptance of the above ideas is a basic condition for participating in the life of our school community. Anyone who is considering whether to take a job at one of the schools of the „Bednarska” Group, whether to become a student or send their child here, should consider their compatibility with their world of values.