Requirements for the entrance exam for Grade 1 (MYP4)

Polish version


Task types, scope of the exam material and duration of each part of the exam are provided below:

  1. WRITING (75 minut)
  • A short text (description of a place, a person, an event etc.)
  • Formal essay (for and against; opinion essay)
  • Multiple choice
  • True/False
  • Missing sentences / paragraphs
  • Matching speakers with texts
  • Tenses
  • Passive voice
  • Reported speech
  • Time clauses
  • Conditionals
  • Modal verbs
  • Relative clauses
  • Articles
  • Gerund and infinitive
  • Prepositions
  • Word formation
  • Sentence transformation

Sample English language exam

Polish language

The exam lasts 90 minutes.

Candidates will receive an examination paper, the completion of which will require work spread over three stages.

Stage one is to read the posted text. This can be a journalistic text (for example, an excerpt from an article, report, review), philosophical, literary (prose, drama, poem). Under the text there are guiding questions on its topic, themes, interesting issues, creative tasks.

Stage two tests candidates’ understanding of the posted text (including the individual words or phrases used in it). The task is also to present one’s own opinion on the problem raised in the presented text.

Stage three involves writing – for example – an article, an essay, an interview (with the author of one of the indicated texts), a characterization, a diary page, etc.

Sample Polish language exam


The exam lasts 120 minutes

The entrance exam in mathematics consists of various types of tasks with varying levels of difficulty. They include tasks that test basic knowledge and skills, necessary to continue learning mathematics, as well as more difficult tasks, including those that do not require specific knowledge, but rather creativity. The aim of the latter is to single out mathematically gifted students.

Sample Mathematics exam