During this weekend (26-28.05) our school’s students have organized the first since 2017 RaszMUN conference, simulated session of United Nations organization. Delegates and support staff took part in the General Assembly meeting and later participated in 11 committees such as WHO, UN Woman, UNHCR or Security Council.

First day took place at Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego – Kozminski University – we started with an opening ceremony and General Assembly. After the lunch break the committee sessions began where the delegates worked hard on their resolutions.

The second day took place at our school (Raszyńska campus) where the committee sessions continued. The closing ceremony at Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego – Kozminski University summarized the delegates’ work, as each committee presented their consensus in the form of the resolutions. During the closing ceremony, the attendees were awarded for their hard work.

Following students from DP1 I MYP(ic)2 participated in organizing the RaszMUN conference:

Mateusz Czerniej
Zofia Jakubiak
Illya Babchenko
Jakub Rybkowski
Sean Skopowski
Jakub Piotrowski
Patryk Wojtysiak
Haruki Milewski
Julia Konopko
Julia Burzyńska
Antonina Rost

Antonina Rost, MYP(ic)2